This was the superior investment if more people from campaign B wind up completing in-app purchases – or perhaps land you some large ad whales. Knowing what constitutes success allows you to repeat your successes and increase your return on investment. To put it another way, mobile attribution is similar to ad attribution in that it connects an install to a person watching or engaging with a specific ad from an ad network. Marketers can sensibly grow their paid advertising efforts by properly tracking where installations are flowing from. These are just a few ways in which mobile attribution can help you take on your market(s) of choice — irrespective of vertical, region or resources.

definition of mobile attribution in partner marketing

Another major limitation of using an ad network’s SDK for attribution is that multiple networks will often serve ads to the same user, which can lead to inaccurate and inflated numbers across networks. Incipia notes that they have seen discrepancies in the number of app installs reported by ad networks compared to MMPs ranging from 10% to 400%. MMPs help marketers verify performance from each advertising partner, which fosters trust between app publishers and ad networks.

Benefits of mobile attribution

MMPs use a mix of technology to measure and attribute mobile events such as clicks, app installs, engagement, revenue, and so on. A mobile attribution tool greatly improves marketing efficiency by providing a unified overview of your performance. It collects all your campaign data and combines it into a single dashboard, making it more convenient to analyze results across channels, platforms, and devices. With this streamlined view of data, you can unlock insights to bring better quality users and generate revenue. For this reason, many mobile app marketers implement an MMP, a tool developed specifically for mobile attribution. Fortunately, a reliable attribution tool like Airbridge allows you to look into campaigns without missing out on any relevant data.

There are many different mobile attribution models, but these can all be broken down into single-touch attribution and multi-touch attribution. As the name suggests, single-touch attribution models consist of only one contact point. In other words, it attributes conversions to one single event, which doesn’t fully portray the buyer’s journey of a huge collection of different products. Mobile attribution is a process that allows you to determine which campaign, partner, and channel generated each app download. In simple terms, mobile attribution tracking allows you to see how your marketing campaign is performing and which steps users followed before downloading your app. At lemonads, we’ve worked closely with some of the top mobile attribution technology developers in the affiliate world, so we know the impact that this type of tool has on the entire industry.

Getting started with mobile attribution in the age of privacy: The complete guide

Proper mobile attribution is complicated, especially across the entire mobile ecosystem. With this information, you can optimize your marketing campaigns to reach your target audience better and improve your overall conversion rate. Similar to the advertising ID, the user-agent string is a line of text that identifies the operating system installed on the device as well as the browser being used. While it may not be a great identifier by itself, the combination of advertising ID, IP address, and user-agent is unique for every single device, so it works as additional verification.

definition of mobile attribution in partner marketing

Adjust clients can track their marketing channels and aggregate conversion data for in-depth analysis – whether that’s via click or impression. You’ll always know which ads delivered which users, along with useful contextual information such as which campaign creatives those users saw. Mobile attribution also helps mobile app developers and companies determine how users are interacting with apps and mobile ads. This information can then be used to optimize marketing campaigns, the user experience of an app, and more. Attribution allows for marketers to adapt mobile campaigns in real-time based on data that extends beyond clicks or site visits. If more people visit your store after seeing specific notification copy, then you can act on this information.

Tracking and optimizing mobile app installs: The beginner’s guide to mobile app attribution

The ability to use this touchpoint and direct users to an app helps to create a positive and easy user/ app onboarding experience. The user then came across a display ad the next day, clicked on it, and installed your app. If your chosen attribution model is the last-touch, the channel where your display ad was on should get all the credit and charge you for the install. The problem is, if you’re not using an MMP, there’s a chance that both channels claim credit because ad networks only see their own touches.

definition of mobile attribution in partner marketing

Position-based attribution revolves around the idea that the most important interactions are the first one, which introduces a user to a product, and the last one, which convinces a user to convert. Therefore, this type of attribution only measures the first and last interactions, mobile attribution definition without considering the touchpoints between the two. Linear attribution is among the simplest types of multi-touch attribution systems. In this mode, every single click is counted and everyone is given the same amount of credit for producing the conversion.

First party data

An app install is linked to a marketing activity such as an ad or a marketing campaign using mobile attribution. Marketers want to identify when their ad campaigns are successful, so they employ mobile attribution platforms to link impacts (app installations, events, and revenue) to drivers (ad campaigns). Of course, the aim is to put more investment into initiatives that have a greater impact, such as more and smarter mobile users. Another way marketers can use mobile attribution to boost ROI is by using the data collected by mobile measurement partners (MMPs) for retargeting. There are now over 5 million apps available on the App Store and Google Play, making re-engagement a vital aspect of marketers’ UA strategies.

definition of mobile attribution in partner marketing

For those who don’t opt-in, Apple said that its SKAdNetwork solution would be the primary deterministic attribution mechanism for aggregated attribution. SKAdNetwork has a number of limitations – more on those later – which severely limit data collection and optimization. Whenever you decide to proceed with one of these, don’t forget to check if all your key networks are connected with the chosen MMP. In this analytics system you’ll be able to see how many visitors were attributed to each source and also what their additional engagement is with my entire website.

The different attribution models

As of iOS 14.5, the IDFA identifier is no longer available by
default, and apps must ask the user for permission to track them. With the release of iOS 14.5 in April 2021, Apple has
significantly limited
the information that’s available to mobile attribution platforms. With iOS being one of the major mobile platforms, this change
will impact many organizations worldwide. This article will cover the basics of mobile attribution and explain how it works under the
hood before sharing a few popular mobile attribution platforms that you can use. When done correctly, mobile attribution can help you better understand which campaigns are driving results and convert those insights into better-performing future campaigns.

  • Additionally, for advertisers that need to measure aggregated performance across multiple platforms, MMPs are an invaluable resource for intelligently scaling ad budgets.
  • To find out more about how to configure Adjust’s attribution settings, take a look at our official documentation.
  • Unlike view-through attribution, CTA is able to demonstrate a precise value of the advertisement.
  • In SKAdNetwork, where data is limited, incrementality can help fill the gap and add confidence to the success of a campaign, providing an important additional layer of intelligence.
  • Once a user clicks into any app store environment, their actions enter a black hole and we can no longer determine who was responsible for generating an install of a free app or a purchase of a paid app.
  • This happens at scale across thousands of advertisements across campaigns and network partners, helping the pizza chain to understand what campaign strategies maximize pizza sales.

An event can be an app install, repeat app launch, level completion, in app purchase, etc. The SKAN postback includes 6-bit binary conversion values containing data about installs, reinstalls, and post-install user activities. Using an MMP, you can tie these different pieces of information with numbers between 0 and 63. Airbridge, in addition, provides the most commonly used schemes as presets, making it easier to choose a conversion value mapping option that best fits your app. What’s more, you can view both SKAN and non-SKAN attribution data on one unified dashboard. Each MMP provides its own SDK to measure and attribute for all relevant media sources at once.

Web-based tracking versus mobile app tracking

By adding specific lines of code to a mobile app, developers are able to push users to the app store to download their app if they don’t have it and then forward them to the intended location. Mobile attribution will present you with data on which advertisements, campaigns, and individual networks drive the most traffic, installs, and conversions to your app. Not taking advantage of mobile attribution means that you won’t have the most detailed and accurate data on your mobile app and its advertising performance. This can result in missing opportunities when they arise, or discovering problems too late.

What is mobile ad attribution? An introduction to app tracking

If there is any overlap between your media mix, you can fix it to maximize your unique reach. Deterministic attribution relies on globally-unique identifiers such as device IDs to identify the same user and/or device between an ad engagement and subsequent conversion. Click-through attribution (CTA) attributes a click and subsequent post-install events to the advertisement the user was served.

Attribution windows are an essential tool for helping advertisers and publishers understand when a conversion takes place. Often there’s a gap between the exposure to an advertisement and the install. During this gap a number of engagements with ads can take place, making the matching process critical for accurate attribution. To get the most value out of your attribution data, you’ll need to partner with an attribution provider. Working with a mobile app attribution provider like Adjust enables you to make well-informed business decisions in real time.